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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Going Solo...

Warning: Random reminiscing ahead ;)…

Until the time I when I was in college, and probably even the days after I joined work and the early days of my marriage, I would call myself as on the diffident and even naïve side.  A hesitation to ask questions even to get information, an inability to say no to anything… and so many other such things were a part of my personality. So much so, that I never wanted to go shopping on my own or anywhere on my own I guess. I’m sure hubby remembers those days when he was really busy with work (that hasn’t changed ;)), and I would grumble about not going “anywhere” as he wasn’t around.

I can't put my finger on when this started to change, or even why. May have been with being forced to go on my own to begin with, but so many things along the journey of life have changed the person I am now, especially in this regard. Shopping is nearly always alone, occasionally with like-minded friends, but hardly ever with family, unless it’s a weekend outing as such. I learnt early on that taking the kids along to a place like Shoppers Stop (the closest option to where I stay) is asking for trouble, as I would lose track of them in the high aisles! Not to mention when they enter the phase of “asking for things” ;) !

The thought really hit me today, as I was sitting and having breakfast alone at a restaurant, as I had missed eating when I rushed out of home to go drop the kids somewhere. I did not even need my 3G to entertain me as I sat there, just the food and the scenes through the window were good enough J. It seems I am really at an age and phase of being at peace with myself… Felt good!


  1. nice reading through this...would like to read did the change come and ur initial reaction :))

    1. Thanks Pushpa... will think about that and write another one if it merits it :). I think in a nutshell though it's just a sense of confidence that comes with knowing who you are (how corny!).

  2. I can say almost the same about me, although I'm yet to go alone for a meal as R is always with me but I'm sure I can do that today. I can't imagine myself like this some years back. And, I'm happy about the change too :-)

    1. Thanks Uma.. it's good to know somebody who shares the same feeling :).

  3. lovely post aparna. Wish you a lot more moments like this :)

  4. Hi,
    This is Tanushree Nayudu from Praxis Media Mumbai,wanted to talk in context to the brand which i handle Simba Toys. Please let me know when will be the good time to talk about this brand. Thanx

  5. Hey I want more of these Aparna. Isn't it very liberating to be able to enjoy your own company?

    1. Absolutely Tulika :).. I'm glad to have reached this stage and it's definitely here to stay!
