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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Bread Blogathon begins!

I am on a journey towards turning out that perfect loaf of whole wheat bread(and I'm going to blog about every loaf of course ;)), and to first figure out all the touchy feely aspects of baking bread I was advised to start with white bread :)! Felt a bit weird to me as I try a lot to minimize white flour/maida in my cooking and baking, and a packet of maida lasts for ages at my home, but considering that the store bought ones are nearly completely maida anyway, this didn't sound a bad idea at all.

My first attempt was using the famous James Beard recipe for white bread that I found online here. Most recipes seem to be for 2 loaves, so instead of tampering with the amounts to adjust for one loaf, I decided to play it safe and follow the recipe. I then made a part of it, and refrigerated the rest for the next morning. The only tweak was using Olive Oil instead of butter of course ;). This is what it looked like:

I found that the first rising did not take as long as the recipe mentions, probably because of the warmer weather we have here. When I checked after little more than an hour, it was nicely fluffed and double in size already!

The loaf looks brilliant from the outside, but I found that the insides were a little underdone, especially in the centre. Still trying to figure this out, as I have a convection oven, and even using a lower temperature seems to brown the loaf on the outside very fast. On browsing I found that using foil to cover up the bread after it's half done will stop it from browning/burning on the outside, so got to try that next. Also need to see some videos to learn the correct kneading techniques I guess :).

The dish accompanying it for dinner was Fish Moily - a dish from Kerala that I learnt from my mom-in-law. It's made with seerfish, and has a nice sweet/spicy/tangy combination because of the coconut mik and tomato combination along with green chillies for spice.


  1. Great going....can i invite myself to dinner with some baked treats when I am next in bangalore? :)

  2. Thanks Aparna :). Yes of course you can. Bread or no bread, we must definitely do that ;).

    Have just got my hands on a couple of bread baking breads (or rather paid a fortune for them ;)), so a lot more bread photos coming up for sure!

  3. How long have you been trying to make the perfect bread loaf for? Do you think it's an interesting/big enough story to do an article on? Do let me know.

    1. Dear Rohini,

      Thanks for commenting :). I'm afraid though that this might not be that much of a story at the moment as I've just about started off, have made a few Whole Wheat that didn't turn out too great and then this white bread that was ok but still not perfect :). Hope to try one type of loaf in a week, next is 50% maida/Whole Wheat in a couple more days. Do keep dropping in and we'll see if we can make it a story soon ;).

      And if you don't mind sharing, whom do you write your articles for?

  4. Oh yum! The fish curry with white bread just sounds too tasty. The only disadvantage of marrying a punju husband was that he does not like fish so I only get to eat it when I am at my parents place. I am craving fish NOW! Do share the fish recipe too.

    1. Thanks so much for dropping in Swapna, sorry for my late response, but I seem to be having big trouble accessing blogspot. No use of trying alternate browsers too :(.

      The fish dish is called Fish moily - you'll find many versions of the recipe online :). The one I make uses Onions, ginger garlic paste, tomato - all well fried, then add water, add fish once the water is boiling. Finally turn off or move to sim and add the coconut milk.

  5. Hey, I write for Metrolife. Let me know if you do finish your project at Good luck!

    1. Thanks Rohini, I will be sure to do that :). Meanwhile do follow my blog for further updates (at the times I can actually manage to access it!).

  6. I love fish moily too. But i love the chicken stew that mum makes and hot fresh bread dipped in it. Heavenly. Also i love appams with stew. Yum yum.
