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Monday, December 03, 2012


on the bed?

I usually don't write about too much stuff that would embarass the kids when they grow up and read my blog (now that's WHEN and not if ;)). But this one I just couldn't resist.

Happened a couple of days ago - S moves to our bed in the middle of the night, he's been having a big of a cold and cough so has been restless at night. In the early morning, when amma and appa have woken up and are busy with other stuff I hear a fit of coughing, then his voice:

Ammaaaa, please come and change my nightdress!

Me: Why S, did you do moocha (pee) on the bed?

S: No no, it's because I'm sweating so much my clothes are wet.

Me: Ran to investigate and of course you know what had actually happened.

How do kids get so inventive? !! Good strategy as it makes amma roar with laughter instead of telling him off about it ;).


  1. lolol..really inovative :-)

  2. Life as a mother can be pretty interesting! I am scared and long for it to happen at the same time. It's really nice to see you documenting all the small wish my mother would have done the same...

    1. Thanks AJ, my kids are definitely not going to find a lack of documentation, but whether they'll be happy with posts like this one, well, that's a big question for sure :)

  3. LOL!very very innovative,indeed!

  4. Lolz.. I have a confession to make here.. Family lore has it I used the same defence and since it was the middle of winter in Lucknow (with temperatures in single digits) I was so caught! You're right.. it's deadly embarrassing.. specially since the parents keep bringing it up even when decades pass after the event.

    1. Hmm.. I can see all the more that S is not going to be thrilled about me "immortalizing" this event ;). Oh well, the deed is done!

  5. Thanks Uma, Trish and Swathika :)

  6. Anonymous8:05 AM

    ROFL how smart is he ;)

  7. Lol.. seriously, i wish what my little girl was thinking right now. Even when she is 2 months old, her eyes say she is upto something. :)

  8. So sweet ..I think they are just very sensitive to the bed-wetting thing, so get really creative with the excuses :)

  9. Oh the sweat. Must have been one hell of medicine to give him that. ;)

  10. Intrigued. How did you react to his 'sweating' ? :)

  11. Thanks you all :)

    Jane, laughing for a while was the biggest reaction. After going through this phase with my daughter, where she toilet trained at 8 months, and then suddenly went through the bedwetting phase a lot later, these occasional wettings have become not so BIG in my head, thankfully :). Just a small reminder, as to why it happened, as he is a big boy now, cos I can't let it pass unremarked ;).

  12. LOL! Poor fellow. He must have been embarrased!

  13. Anonymous9:09 PM

    awwwww.....i want to hug him :)

  14. Thanks Aparna, and surprizingly - NO! Embarassment is hardly part of the picture where this guy is concerned ;).

    colormesunshine - Thank you :)

  15. You have been bringing back all my memories of Aryan when he was as naughty as S;-)Now he is like D all grown up taking care of his things by himself of course i have to say it a 100 times..

  16. Basil - what an apt name for your profile somehow :),

    Thanks so much for dropping and reading and sharing too! Yeah I am trying to get out of that repeating things cycle, but it's just so tough!
