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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best and Worst of 2012

Took a break from the marathon bloggers as I was traveling during the last week, and then not feeling like writing much. But as today is the last day of the marathon, I wanted to get in this one that was our themed post for last week. The Best and Worst of 2012, however we might want to interpret it.

1. I think I will always remember 2012 as the year I found my balance/peace/contentment - from housewife/homemaker to freelance writer ;), becoming a green warrior in my own small way by adopting waste management practices, and scaling up my kitchen garden and learning a lot about the subject too. Some forays into baking were literally the cherry on top :).

2. 2012 was also the year I have got to know a lot of great people, through my blog and the FB groups related to Gardening, Recycling and Foodies. I am not going to start naming them, you know who you are ;). This has been a big change for a somewhat introverted person like me who doesn't usually make new friends easily.

3. The kids, they will always be a part of my best - growing up so fast that I don't know how I will deal with the next phases, yet each age is lovely enough to not make me miss the baby years too much :).

1. Top on my worst is also to do with parenting - the year I clearly could figure out my short temper, but still haven't got it in hand. When I have completely realized that having 2 kids means worrying about 3 individuals brushing their teeth, having their baths, putting their things away (yes I am included in that number ;)).. the list goes on. Not that I have to do all of it by myself 24/7, but still I feel like I am the main responsible for these things for the biggest part of the day, and somedays like when I have hit the limit of my temper every single time I tried to get S to eat enough while on a trip it totally feels overwhelming.

2. Terribly tally on movies seen, not that I didn't want to, but somehow did not make it happen.

3. All that was from a very personal perspective, but I cannot end without thinking that a big addition to the worst of 2012 has been the way women are unsafe in this country of ours. Not that this is new in 2012, I think it is only that the events have got more attention lately. I hope the collective voice of the citizens is good enough to make a change, as I would really love for my kids to grow up to a more enlightened India.

Posted on and for Day 31 of the Marathon Bloggers Challenge. I had so much much fun being a part of it :) !


  1. I hope 2013 converts no. 2 from the worsts... and increases no. 2 from the bests :)

    1. Thanks Jane, one hopes one hopes :).

  2. I guess 2012 was a pretty busy year for you, aparna...and very productive as far as I can make out. All the best and wish you and D and S a wonderful 2013....this will be the year when we can plan to meet again and hopefully more often...yay!!!

    1. Thanks Aparna, total Yay to that :)

  3. I wish I had joined the group earlier and taken up the month challenge as well, loved reading the posts!

    Loved this post, I think I'l go and write the "best and worst" as well. :-)

    1. Thanks Samarpita :).
      I'm sure we'll have fun with the Project 52 now too!

  4. I am hoping to get up to speed with the recycling, gardening stuff this year.

  5. Wow! Happy New year and Hope 2013 is even better

    1. Thanks Sirisha! The same to you too!!
