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Sunday, May 25, 2014

D is for Dallas - Family Fun Time!

Our first trip overseas was to Singapore in 2011, and this was when I realized the comfort of staying with friends or family. Especially when traveling with children, this can be a life-saver and really help you catch your breath in between the madness of touristy sightseeing!

Our first stop on this holiday was Dallas or rather Irving where my Chithi (Mom's sister) stays. My plan was to spend a few days "just chilling" at their home to spend some family time, as well as help the kids adjust to the change in time zones. The highlight was also to see my nephew for the first time, as my cousin who's just finishing her residency has not been able to visit us in India since he was born 4 years back. After a couple of days of home food, TV and dozing at odd times, we managed to fit in an iHop breakfast experience as well as a trip to the newly opened Perot Museum of Science. And here's that in photos :).

After our sumptuous iHop breakfast
At the Perot Museum of Science

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